When I went to the Farmer's Market, the weekend before last, I bought 2 kilos of soup tomatoes to make tomato ketchup with. They had been sat in our kitchen for a week before I had to chance to make the ketchup.
I decided to use Jamie Oliver's recipe from Jamie at Home. The first stage is to cook the aromatics in olive oil, these included fennel, red onions, coriander seeds, 1 red chilli, 4 cloves and ginger.
I then added the 2 kilos of tomatoes, which I had chopped, to the pan.
I also added some water. This was brought to the boil and left to simmer until it had reduced by half.I then pureed this with my stick blender and passed it through a sieve twice. Red wine vinegar and sugar was added and it was then reduced it until it looked like ketchup. This was then poured into sterilised jars.
We will let it mellow for a while and then we will be eating our own ketchup. Andrew wants to try and make Hugh's ketchup. So he might be making some rival ketchup. Watch this space . . .
Mardi Gras Recipes
1 day ago
I have the same book, and was thinking about making the ketchup, too. I'd love to know how it turns out.
I'll let you know how it goes. I can definitely recommend the pepper and chilli chutney if you have a spare or two, its gorgeous.
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