Once I had made the raspberry jam and vodka, I had a few hundred grams leftover. I remember seeing in my River Cottage Preserves Book a recipe for raspberry vinegar. I have seen these in delis but are they are quite expensive. So we gave it a go. For the first part soak the raspberries (slightly crushed) in cider vinegar for 4-5 days. For every 1 kg of raspberries you use 600 ml of vinegar.
I then deviated from this recipe, as I had been told by Andrew's when they made their raspberry vinegar it was very sweet. I then followed Maguerite Patten's recipe which uses less sugar. To 600 ml of juice you add 225 g of sugar. This is dissolved by heating and then tipped into a sterilised bottle.
So far we have only used it to dress green salads as part of our meals. It does make a great alternative to the usual balsamic or wine vinegars. But I am currently searching for some specific recipes.
Basic Crepes
17 hours ago
In Hubby's family Raspberry vinegar is traditionally used as a cough/cold medicine. Also if you boil it up with sugar syrup you can use it as a cordial.
Thanks for that! I might need that for the Glasgow winter! I tried making coridal but thats another post . . .
Nice jam!! Home-made always tastes better. Lucky you!
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